Importing .qdpx

Hello everyone,

I needed a duplicate of a project I am working on in textada. I exported the project from textada as .qdpx, and imported again. However, I noticed that some features of the settings were not exported with the .qdpx. For instance, the original project file had some articles flagged as ‘fully annotated’ as well as ‘evaluate only’, while others were not. When exporting the .qdpx, and importing it again, this setting was not saved, and all the .txt files were only flagged as ‘fully annotated’, even the ones that were not supposed to. I had to go through all the documents manually and check the settings myself.

Is there an option to export the project as .qdpx as an exact copy of the original project, including all the features and settings?

Thank you for your time and help!

Thanks for the report, I looked into this and this should have been fixed in the meantime. Could you confirm?