Hi and welcome to the textada community, we’re glad to have you on board
We believe that help is most valuable if it is shared publicly so that everyone can benefit from it. That’s why we created this place.
This forum is intended to provide a means to discuss anything related to textada, whether that’s an issue you’re facing while using textada, question on how to optimally use the tool for your individual project, ideas you may have to improve textada, just anything! Use the support category for such topics.
We’re currently exploring how to run this community effort best and provide you a constructive and open platform for exchanging with other users and us. Thus, we will refine this platform once in a while in order to fit your needs best. We are also very much interested in hearing back from you, so please feel free to leave some feedback on the support community and how to run it in the site feedback category.
Thank you for using textada!
The textada team